Thursday, 31 May 2012


This is the interface that we have design and implement in our program
we put that logo because this is related with Unitv which is the one request for this program. 
this one is the interface after we input the correct username and password.

and here is some screenshot for our program menu.

Activity Diagram

this our activity diagram for our gui in this program ..
in this activity diagram cover up the login, choosing task , and logout.

Assignment 2 Class Diagram

Here is our class diagram for out assignment 2.
We add more one 2 classes because we create other feature for our Program which is GUI .
So the classes created to build the GUI.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Coding part 3

Last week for working our assignment is about how to save the file into .DAT file. at first we got a lot of problem in this part because we don't to understand about how to do the serializable part because we haven't learn that thing in Programming 1 moreover we cannot decide to use buffer writer or using input stream and output stream ..Finally we got help from out senior about this problem .. he explain about the seralizable and help us to decide using input and output stream for saving the data. After that we can continue our work because we already learn about how to do saving into the .DAT file. ^^

Coding part 2

For this last 2 weeks all of our group member are doing the coding part..after we finish create all of the classes, we face other problem from this program.. which is how to link one array list with other array list. We got this problem because we confuse how access the value from one array list and make it as the primary key to the array list and link it to other.Linking in this program is needed because we are making program that involving many classes that contain many different and important value.

To solve this problem , we ask our friend how to link the array list. the solution that our friend give is to find the variable that have in 2 or 3 different array so we can link it together. That solution very helpful for us ..we start to find that variable such as account number ,package number , service number and etc..

Coding part 1

From last 3 weeks, we already start to code the program. but we face same problem in the beginning about how to start the coding . We have this confusion because we cannot decide which one to start first between interface and coding the classes such as client class , etc.

Luckily we have Mr. Rimi Azizi class on Tuesday,17th April which is Programming 2 lab class. So we ask about our design first and then we ask for his suggestion about which one we should start first. Then he say we better to make the classes first than the interface, because after we code the classes we can easily link the class and make interface for our program.

After receive advice from our  lecture, we directly create the classes and start coding. :D

Second Class Diagram

The second class diagram that we have make

This second class diagram has been completed with the operation for all classes..the class that don't have operation such as log,NGO,private,government,individual,record ,and subscribe program are designed to not have any operation..NGO,private,government,individual are the subclass of client so the operations are same with the client class(abstract class).

Client ,Service , Package , Service , and TV programme got so many operation which is accessor and mutator.
accessor and mutator is needed in the class so we can call and assign value for instance and variable .

This class diagram become our guide to make our java file ^^